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How to navigate through web performance

Getting your head around what to do first, when it comes to your website’s performance, is a daunting process. Everyone values time a little differently and, consequently, sees things with wildly different expectations.

Learn how to direct the majority of your efforts towards your best bet – your audience – and you will be rewarded.

How to craft content for optimal performance

Your content (pages, stories, photos, videos) is getting a life of its own. Your readers are increasingly all‐mobile, as they are trying to make sense and find balance in a continuously noisy world, through apps that curate or gather content from various sources.

Discover how to shape it to live up to its full potential.

How to set up your site for performance

WordPress has no intrinsic advantage when it comes to performance, and no secret sauce. You just have a wide range of possibilities, more so than in pretty much any other open-source ecosystem.

But, with many possibilities come plenty of headaches. Learn how to explore them wisely.

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Mila Kunis
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Mike Sendler
Various products, affordable prices, fast logistics, excellent shopping experience. Customer service patiently answered questions, very satisfied.
Mike mali
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